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Corporate Directors Certification Program – Schedule 1 Part IV, 2019

The Corporate Directors Certification Program is offered by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) along with a selection of institutes of directors across the MENA region. The first of its kind, the program is designed to provide participants with tools to tackle improvement of corporate governance practices, which impact the long-term planning and procedures of the board. Covering a wide range of corporate governance issues, participants will acquire the tools for strategic supervision and administrative control, learn about the board’s role in disclosure and transparency, and understand how to protect shareholder rights. Participants will be able to become Board Certified Directors after obtaining a minimum of eight out of twelve credit hours, and scoring at least 80 per cent on the program tests.


Part 1: An Introduction to Corporate Governance February 18 & 19 – 09:00 AM to 03:00 PM

Part 2: Practical Tools March 13 & 14 – 09:00 AM to 03:00 PM

Part 3: Disclosure and Transparency April 15 & 16 – 09:00 AM to 03:00 PM

Part 4: Shareholders Rights May 02 & 03 – 09:00 AM to 03:00 PM


-Discounts Available for multiple registrations on Public Workshops Sessions- 


Target Audience

Existing and Potential board members, senior executives, auditors, lawyers, board secretaries, and advisors to board members.


Learning Outcome

Become a Certified Board Member by the IFC – after succeeding an online exam.

Build a commitment to good governance and demonstrate a clear focus on effective structures and processes for achieving the benefits of corporate governance.

Acquire knowledge about a board’s structure & functioning to create a competent and effective board.

Gain management control to achieve internal control, management of risk, and the integrity of financial information.

Discover principles of disclosure & transparency to communicate accurate and actionable information equally to shareholders & stakeholders (including regulators).

Adopt shareholder practices including the equal treatment of all shareholders, and protection from abuse from company insiders.

Implement family governance to ensure the existence of appropriate mechanisms to help govern the involvement of the family in the business and address other family matters.

Registrations are closed for this event